Bothersome Brother

“Mom, we’re trying to clean our room and Jimmy’s bothering us!” Does that sound familiar? Little brother Jimmy was only 3, but he had a bagful of tricks to annoy his sisters. I made him come out to the kitchen with me. The girls indignantly slammed their door shut.

Ten minutes passed and Jimmy announced he needed to go to the bathroom. It was down the hall just before his sisters’ room, so I told him sternly he could not go past the bathroom door. He didn’t see me watching as he went down the hall. When he got to the bathroom door, he kept one foot there and with a mighty stretch, managed to give a couple knocks on his sisters’ door. Then he happily stepped into the bathroom. He just wanted to remind them he was still around. And, as he had hoped, his sisters stormed out to let me know he was bothering them again.

Lately I’ve felt like Satan has been playing the same game with me. God gives him boundaries, but he still likes to knock on my door and remind me he’s available and ready for mischief. Even though he’s powerless, he loves to watch us react to his threats. I’m working hard to not give him that pleasure.

Jenn Avey

Jenn serves as the executive director of Charis Women. An avid Bible student and teacher, she loves opening God’s word with other women.


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