Remembering to Listen

~ Written by Amy Shirk

When my husband was in seminary, the trailer next to ours about five feet away from ours caught fire. Everything was lost.

We tried to help in any way we could, but there didn’t seem like much we could do. I had to go pick up a couple of items at the store for my family, and remembered I need a toothbrush. I picked out a toothbrush and turned to go. It was then I heard, “That is not enough.” I looked around the aisle. No one was around so I kept on walking. I didn’t get very far when I heard it again, “That is not enough.” I grabbed another toothbrush and started walking away. Again I heard, “That is not enough.”

Now a lot was going through my mind. One was, I must be crazy. So I grabbed two more toothbrushes. Now I had four toothbrushes in my cart (three of which I was not planning on) and started to walk down the aisle. That is when I heard, “that is too many.” 

Now I thought I must really be crazy. But I did the quick math. I needed a toothbrush, and out of the other three in my cart one was not enough and three was too many. I put one of the toothbrushes back and hoped I could finally leave and go check out. 

Not really knowing why I bought extra toothbrushes, I drove home. When I pulled up our neighbors whose trailer had burned were in their driveway. I went over to talk with them. They had been shopping for items they needed. As we talked, they mentioned they had forgotten to pick up two toothbrushes but were exhausted and did not want to go back to the store. It was then I realized who the extra toothbrushes were for. I will always I remember how God can use me if I am willing to just listen.


I Can’t Do It Alone


Is He Proven?