The Comparison Game is stealing your joy

Sweet friend,

I know you look at everyone around you and think they have it all together. You want to be like them with their seemingly perfect lives.

You cut yourself down time and time again because you feel like you don’t measure up. You feel worthless, and you’re exhausted from carrying this weight.

Don’t you see that the comparison game is stealing your joy? It’s taking away your confidence and willingness for God to use you – to use the incredible gifts he has given to you.

You’re allowing the comparison game to keep you stuck, to keep you from moving forward. I see you pulling yourself away because you don’t think you have as much to offer. That’s such a lie. Don’t let that lie keep you captive.

Sweet friend, you are not the woman you compare yourself to. And I’m glad, because if you were, the world wouldn’t be blessed by the incredible woman you are. It’s time to let her shine and quiet the voices of who you think you should be.

You were created to be you. You have so much to offer, and I pray that you begin to see that. I pray that you find your strength and confidence in who God made you.

Tynea Lewis

Tynea Lewis is a teacher turned freelance writer and artist. She and her husband are raising two girls, and they love spending time together in the mountains. Tynea remembers loving to write as early as first grade, and she has a heart for encouraging women. She writes for various platforms, including Her View from Home, Just Between Us, and Living by Design Ministries. You can connect with her at, on Instagram (@TyneaLewis) or Facebook (@TyneaLewisWriter). Her original hand-painted greeting cards can be found at


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